Born in China, Jing Zhou (周竞) is an interdisciplinary artist, designer, author, and educator in the U.S. Her creative expressions encompass visual communication design, interactive and digital media, data visualization, and fine arts. Zhou received the Creative Work Award of the 2020 Design Incubation Communication Design Educators Awards, the UX Design Award of the 2021 Peru Design Biennial, among other honors from the U.S., Europe, and Asia. Her creative and scholarly work has been shown and collected internationally including: Triennale Design Museum, Milan; British Computer Society, London; Asian Cultural Center, Manhattan; SIGGRAPH Art Gallery; ISEA; IEEE GEM; CAA; MACAA; SEGD; Ars Electronica .ART Global Gallery; New Media Caucus; Les Abattoirs Museum, France; Mons Memorial Museum, Belgium; Royal Institution of Australia; ASCI, New York Hall of Science; Newark Museum of Art; Santo Domingo Museum, Lima; Golden Turtle Festival, Russia; Athens Digital Art Festival, Greece; Danish Poster Museum; GAMeC Modern and Contemporary Art Gallery, Italy; Film Festival ZOOM—ZBLIZENIA, Poland; Taksim Republic Art Gallery, Istanbul; FILE, São Paulo; Sardinia Film Festival, Italy; Visual Information Design Assn. of Korea; Goethe Institute Alexandria, Egypt; Yale University; Brown University; ArtCenter College of Design; Aalto University Design Factory, Finland; Hungarian Electrographic Art Assn., Budapest; Prix de la Photographie Paris Awards; public collection of the WRO Media Art Center, Poland; Waikato Museum, New Zealand; Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic; The 4th Block Museum, Ukraine; and the Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco. Zhou's artwork and research writing have been included in books and publications—such as Computer Graphics World and Photo Techniques, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Digital Library, and Design Research Society (DRS) Digital Library.
Jing’s multimedia artwork explores our common humanity and reflects her interest in social justice, spiritual experiences, Eastern and Western art, literature, and philosophy. To Jing, creating art is a process of deciphering her life journey.
Creative Work Award 2020 ➤
Design Incubation Communication Design Educators Awards
Silver Award 2021 ➤
UDA Annual International IDEA Design Competition
United Design Alliance (UDA)
Platinum Winner Print Media Category 2017
Gold Winner Postcard Category 2017
MarCom Awards Association of Marketing and Communication Professionals (AMCP)
Profile: 6000 international submissions, 20% gold, 15% platinum
Bronze Winner Card/Announcement/Invitation Category 2017
Silver Winner Interactive Media—History/Biography Category 2008
Summit International Creative Awards Portland, Oregon
Profile: 5000 submissions from 24 countries, 5% bronze, 4% silver, 1% gold
The 2010 Switzer Distinguished Artist
Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts Pensacola, Florida
Fifth Prize IFUW Empowering Women Poster Competition 2010
Graduate Women International, Geneva, Switzerland
Netart Features 2009 {35 Selected International Artists}
JavaMuseum {Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art} Cologne, Germany
Award of Distinction {Silver Award} Self Promotion Website Category 2009
The Communicator Awards International Competition, New York, New York
Gold Winner Award of Design Excellence 2008
The American Design Awards San Diego, California
Profile: 900 international web design submissions, ranking #3 in top 1%
Gold Medal {First Place} 2008
45th Annual Art Directors Club of New Jersey Awards
Electronic or Interactive Design/Interactive Presentations Category
Best of Show 2006
Third Annual National Juried Art Exhibition, Chadron State College, Nebraska
Achievement Award {Second Place} 2003
National Juried Competition—Photography and Digital Images
Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, New Jersey
Juror: Edward Earle, Curator of Collections at the International Center of Photography
Silver Winner Self Promotion Website Category 2009
Bronze Winner Flash Category 2007
Horizon Interactive Awards International Competition, Westfield, Indiana
Profile: over 2,000 entries from 32 countries
Honorable Mention Fine Art/Digitally Enhanced Category 2008
PX3 Prix de la Photographie Paris International Competition, France
Honorable Mention Fine Art Category 2005
International Photography Awards/Lucie Awards
Profile: 16,648 entries from 32 countries
International Photography Awards, Inc., Los Angeles, California
Grand Canyon National Park AIR Arizona
Gates of the Arctic National Park AIR Alaska
Vermont Studio Center Fellowship Johnson, Vermont
Everglades National Park AIR Florida
North Cascades National Park AIR Washington
Weir Farm National Historic Site AIR Weir Farm Trust, Wilton, Connecticut
Financial Assistance Award Digital Media Academy, Stanford University
Moravian Gallery in Brno Czech Republic ➤
The 4th Block Museum Kharkiv, Ukraine ➤
Waikato Museum Hamilton, New Zealand ➤
Danish Poster Museum/Dansk Plakatmuseum Aarhus, Denmark ➤
WRO Media Art Center/Centrum Sztuki WRO Wroclaw, Poland ➤
SIGGRAPH Art Show Archives ➤
ISEA Symposium Archives ➤
Climate Art Collection e.V. Berlin, Germany ➤
Athens Digital Arts Festival Video Compilation Athens, Greece ➤
FILE—Electronic Language International Festival Archive Sao Paulo, Brazil ➤
Museum of the Living Artist, San Diego Art Institute California ➤
Center for the Study of Political Graphics Los Angeles, California ➤
P'Silo Video Library, Association P'Silo Marseille, France ➤
Instants Vidéo Digital Archives Marseille, France ➤
Chinese Culture Center of San Francisco California
Las Cruces Museum of Fine Art New Mexico
Pennsylvania State University—Erie, The Behrend College Pennsylvania
Pensacola State College Florida
Festival NAA Collection EsferaNegra Associação Cultural, Barcelos, Portugal
Streaming Festival Archive The Hague, The Netherlands
Overture Center for the Arts Madison, Wisconsin
Gates of the Arctic National Park Alaska
Everglades National Park Florida
North Cascades National Park Washington
Neumann University Pennsylvania
Monmouth University and MU Library New Jersey
Zach S. Henderson Library Georgia
Georgia Southern University Georgia
IEEE GEM International Conference Yale University see "group exhibitions"
Ars Electronica .ART Global Gallery see "group exhibitions"
ISEA—24th International Symposium on Electronic Art see "group exhibitions"
ISEA—21st International Symposium on Electronic Art see "group exhibitions"
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery: Evolve Los Angeles, California see "group exhibitions"
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery: Global Eyes San Diego, California see "group exhibitions"
RE-NEW 2013 Interactive Media Arts Festival and Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark see "group exhibitions"
12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07 Wroclaw, Poland
National Museum in Wroclaw, WRO Media Art Center see "group exhibitions"
Good 50x70: International Poster Contest Triennale Design Museum, Milan, Italy
Endorsed by ICOGRADA, BEDA and AIAP see "group exhibitions"
Collision and Confluence Asian Cultural Center, Manhattan, New York see "group exhibitions"
19th Traverse Vidéo Les Abattoirs Museum, Toulouse, France see "group exhibitions"
27th Brno Biennial Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic see "group exhibitions"
104th and 111th College Art Association (CAA) Annual Conference see "group exhibitions"
10th Athens Digital Art Festival Athens, Greece see "group exhibitions"
13th International Triennial Political Poster Show Mons Memorial Museum, Mons, Belgium
see "group exhibitions"
FILE 2014—Electronic Language International Festival
FIESP Cultural Center – Ruth Cardoso, Sao Paulo, Brazil see "group exhibitions"
16th International Film Festival ZOOM—ZBLIŻENIA Poland see "group exhibitions"
Sardinia Film Festival IX International Short Film Award, Cineclub Sassari, Italy
see "group exhibitions"
Digital'09: Mysteries in Science ASCI & New York Hall of Science see "group exhibitions"
Pixilerations [v.8] New Media Festival Rhode Island School of Design & Brown Univ.
see "group exhibitions"
2nd International Istanbul Triennale Taksim Republic Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
see "invitational exhibitions"
3rd International Resistance Art Festival Tehran, Iran see "group exhibitions"
Greenpeace see "clients"
World AIDS Campaign based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands see "clients"
MATRICES 2010 Hungarian Electrographic Art Association, Budapest, Hungary
see "group exhibitions"
Book Chapter 11 Handbook of Research on Maximizing Cognitive Learning through Knowledge Visualization see "publications"
Computer Graphics World Magazine see "publications"
Photo Techniques Magazine see "publications"
* solo exhibition ** duo exhibition
College of Southern Nevada Cheyenne Campus, North Las Vegas, Nevada*In conjunction with the Southern Graphics Council International (SGCI) Annual Conference
FEMINAE LA Typographic Voices of Women by Women ArtCenter College of Design
Lawrence Technological University Southfield, Michigan*
Viewpoint Photographic Art Center Sacramento, California**
STEAM Exhibition and Colloquium University of West Florida
Holy Family University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania*
POINTS 2 International Exhibition Goethe Institute, Alexandria, Egypt
Art in the Endangered Everglades The Puffin Foundation, New Jersey
United Designs—International Design Biennial Shanghai Normal University, China
Do Something For The World 20th Anniversary International Poster Exhibition
Visual Information Design Association of Korea (VIDAK), Seoul, Korea
Bakersfield College California**
65th International Design & Crafts Invitation Exhibition
Korean Industrial Artists’ Association (KIAA), S-platz Gallery, Saga, Japan
2nd International Istanbul Triennale Taksim Republic Art Gallery, Istanbul, Turkey
Galeria Sment Barcelos, Portugal
Sinclair Community College Dayton, Ohio*
Jetlag—Sino-German Multimedia Contemporary Art Exhibition
Fei Contemporary Art Center Video Project, Kunsthalle Faust, Hannover, Germany
Cambridge Multicultural Arts Center Cambridge, Massachusetts*
Social Justice International Poster Exhibition
Visual Information Design Association of Korea (VIDAK), Seoul, Korea
Northern State University Aberdeen, South Dakota*
Truckee Meadows Community College Reno, Nevada*
Message for Peace, Environment, and Love International Poster Exhibition
Visual Information Design Association of Korea (VIDAK), Seoul, Korea
Anna Lamar Switzer Center for Visual Arts Pensacola State College, Florida*
Anoka Ramsey Community College Coon Rapids, Minnesota*
10th Anniversary Exhibition Everglades National Park, Homestead, Florida
Celebrate! NewMediaFest’2010 Cologne, Germany
JavaMuseum {Forum for Internet Technology in Contemporary Art}
Amnesty International Human Rights Art Festival Silver Spring, Maryland
Light, Camera, Action: New Media Art St. Thomas Aquinas College, New York
Adirondack Lakes Center for the Arts Blue Mountain Lake, New York*
SIGGRAPH Traveling Art Exhibition
Central Pennsylvania College Summerdale, Pennsylvania*
Saint Mary's University of Minnesota**
United Designs—International Design Biennial California State Univ. Northridge
Sponsored by AIGA Los Angeles and Korean Federation of Design Associations
North Central College Naperville, Illinois*
Daegu International Poster Exhibition—13th IAAF World Championship in
Athletics, Daegu Stadium and Daegu Cultural Art Center, South Korea
FILE—Electronic Language International Festival Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
North Charleston City Gallery South Carolina*
DIGITALEYES 2008 Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, California
Chadron State College Chadron, Nebraska*
Seminole Community College Sanford, Florida**
Computer Graphics Invitational University of Northern Colorado
Inklandia International Exhibition, Purdue University, Indiana
University of Northern Colorado Greeley, Colorado*
Photomedia Center Virtual Exhibition, Erie, Pennsylvania*
North Tahoe Art Center Tahoe City, California*
Over 200 juried and curated shows on six continents
* presentation
IEEE GEM—Games, Entertainment and Media International Conference Exhibition Yale University
111th College Art Association of America Annual Conference (CAA) Committee on Design*
Ars Electronica .ART Global Gallery International Juried Virtual Exhibition
ISEA—24th International Symposium on Electronic Art Durban, South Africa*
ISEA—23rd International Symposium on Electronic Art Manizales, Colombia
ISEA—21st International Symposium on Electronic Art Vancouver, Canada*
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery: Evolve Los Angeles, California
The 35th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
SIGGRAPH Art Gallery: Global Eyes San Diego, California
The 34th International Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques
IASDR—10th Congress of the Intl. Assoc. of Societies of Design Research Politecnico di Milano, Italy*
ARTECH—10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts University of Aveiro, Portugal*
RE-NEW 2013 Interactive Media Arts Festival and Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark
12th International Media Art Biennale WRO 07 Wroclaw, Poland
National Museum in Wroclaw, WRO Media Art Center
Profile: 89 works were selected out of 1500 entries from over 60 countries
Collision and Confluence Chinese-American Art Faculty Exhibition and Symposium
Asian Cultural Center, Manhattan, New York
19th Traverse Vidéo Les Abattoirs Museum (Musée des Abattoirs), Toulouse, France
27th Brno International Biennial of Graphic Design Moravian Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic
Profile: 46 submissions by 68 authors from 15 countries were selected out of 878 submissions by 1222 authors from 53 countries
“Future Bodies” Symposium and Exhibition New Media Caucus and Virginia Tech*
TRANSFORMERS: Code and Data-Driven Animation New Media Caucus
104th College Art Association (CAA) Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.
"Staring into Space" Juried Exhibition Mid-America College Art Association Conference (MACAA)
16th International Film Festival ZOOM—ZBLIŻENIA 2013 Jelenia Gora, Poland
Sardinia Film Festival IX International Short Film Award, Cineclub Sassari, Italy
Good 50x70: International Poster Contest Triennale Design Museum, Milan, Italy
Profile: endorsed by international design associations like AGI, ICOGRADA, BEDA, and AIAP, the contest finalists were selected out of 4210 entries
Good 50x70 m.a.x.museo Chiasso, Switzerland
Good 50x70 Festival della Creatività Florence, Italy
Good 50x70 Norrbottens Museum Luleå, Sweden
Good 50x70 Centro Commerciale Roma Est Rome, Italy
Good 50x70 U.Design-Museo del Acero Monterrey, Mexico
Good 50x70 Istanbul Design Week Istanbul, Turkey
Good 50x70 Beit Meirov Art Gallery Holon, Israel
Good 50x70 Museo Madre, Design Per Naples, Italy
Good 50x70 Bilbao, Barcellona, Madrid, Spain, Hong Kong
"To Be Human" International Poster Show Danish Poster Museum, Aarhus, Denmark
"A Planet for Tomorrow" International Poster Competition Poster for Tomorrow, Paris, France
"Fake News–2020 Vision" International Poster Competition Poster for Tomorrow, Paris, France
Jurors: over 100 international jurors. Profile: 100 finalists were selected out of 6078 entries
FILE 2014—Electronic Language International Festival
FIESP Cultural Center – Ruth Cardoso, Sao Paulo, Brazil
FILE 2007—Eighth Annual Electronic Language International Festival
Sesi Art Gallery, Sesi Paulista's Cultural Space, Sao Paulo, Brazil
13th International Triennial Political Poster Show Mons Memorial Museum, Mons, Belgium
"A Sense of Place" Balance-Unbalance (BunB) International Conference {selected}
i-DAT, Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom
16th Athens Digital Art Festival Athens, Greece
10th Athens Digital Art Festival Athens, Greece
10th Video Art Festival Miden Kalamata, Greece
Women’s Global Call for Climate Justice Campaign Poster Contest WEDO and COP21 in Paris
Pixilerations [v.8] New Media Festival Rhode Island School of Design & Brown University
Codes and Modes: ReFraming Reality, Virtuality and Nonfiction Media Symposium
Hunter College and New York City College of Technology
"The Universal Sea—Pure or Plastic?!" Aalto University Design Factory, Finland
STATE ABED International Exhibition & Conference Gallery of Fine Arts Split, Croatia
ACM SIGGRAPH Digital Arts Community (DAC) SPARKS "Mixing it Up" Lightning Talk*
CologneOFF VII: Videoart in a Global Context—International Videoart Festival
Art & the City, Waterpieces Contemporary Art & Videoart Festival, Riga, Latvia
Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, Mexico City, Mexico
24th Festival Les Instants Vidéo Numériques et Poétiques Marseille, France
The Nomadic Instants Vidéo took place in France, Italy, Mexico, Cuba, and India.
CODE—Media, Games & Art Conference {selected}
Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne, Australia
MATRICES 2010 Hungarian Electrographic Art Association, Budapest, Hungary
30th Triennial IFUW {GWI—Graduate Women International} Conference Exhibition
Transnumeriques Awards Exhibition, ARTour Biennial
Centre of Engraving and the Animated Image, La Louviere, Belgium
3rd International Resistance Art Festival Tehran, Iran
Digital'09: Mysteries in Science 11th International Juried Digital Print Exhibition
Art & Science Collaborations, Inc. (ASCI), New York Hall of Science, New York
Juror: Arthur Molella, Curator at the Smithsonian Nat'l Museum of American History
Digital'09: Mysteries in Science traveling exhibition
Fringe Festival 2011, Royal Institution of Australia, Adelaide, Australia
Mathematical Art, 2016 Joint Mathematics Meetings Washington State Convention Center
Espacio Enter 2013 International Festival of Creativity, Innovation & Digital Culture
Tenerife Espacio de las Artes, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain
ISIMD 08 6th International Symposium of Interactive Media Design
Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
1st International Motion Festival European University Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
XI Festival International de la Imagen VIII Media Art Monographic Show
XII Festival International de la Imagen IX Media Art Monographic Show
Cultural and Convention Center Teatro Fundadores, Manizales, Colombia
IDEAS 09: Arts at the Digital Edge
iDMAa—7th Annual Conference of International Digital Media and Arts Association
2nd International Socio-Political Poster Biennale
The International Youth Meeting Center, Oświęcim (Auschwitz), Poland
MTV: Momentum Technology Video Film Festival Institute for Women & Art, Rutgers University
NAA Festival EsferaNegra and Pelouro da Cultura de Barcelos, Portugal
Late at Tate 1840s Gallery, Tate Britain, London, United Kingdom
Abstract Currents: Interactive Video Event PopRally, MoMA, New York, New York
Viewpoint Juried Travel Exhibitions, The Photographic Angle, major cities in United Kingdom
Across the Divide—International Art Education Exhibition Beijing Normal University, China
LAMPS Film Festival New Media Department, University of Lethbridge, Canada
Lightworks 2013 International Film, Sound, and New Media Festival
Grimsby Minster and Gate Gallery, Grimsby, United Kingdom
FONLAD Digital Arts Festival
IC Zero Assn., Videolab Project, and Cooperative Castles Theatre, Coimbra, Portugal
NewMedia Festival—Art: Bridging the Technology Divide
Daet Arts Council and Our Lady of Lourdes College Foundation, Daet, Philippines
Poster for a Healthier World—International Exhibition
Institute for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Design A .C., Puebla, Mexico
Segunda Llamada International Poster Competition {finalist} Mexico City
Segunda Llamada, Autonomous Metropolitan University, and Natura Mexico
VII International Computer Art Biennale Rzeszów, Poland
Marshal Office in the Podkarpackie Province and the Wanda Siemaszkowa Dramatic Theatre
D-ART Digital Art Gallery Virtual Exhibition
iV2018 22st International Conference Information Visualization University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy
Visible Verse Festival Pacific Cinematheque, Vancouver, Canada
The Suitcase Show Galleri Schaeffers Gate 5, Oslo, Norway
Digital International Juried Exhibition Museum of the Living Artist, San Diego Art Institute
Sponsored by SONY, over 970 Entries from 12 Countries
Juror: Marilyn Kushner, Curator of Prints and Drawings at the Brooklyn Museum
14th Annual National Juried Art Exhibition Viridian Artists, New York, New York
Juror: Robert Rosenblum, Curator at the Guggenheim Museum in NYC
Sumei Biennial International Juried Print Exhibition
Sumei Multidisciplinary Arts Center, Newark, New Jersey
Juror: David Kiehl, Curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art
Second National Juried Exhibition Prince Street Gallery, New York, New York
Juror: Irving Sandler, distinguished critic, art historian, and author
Profile: 41 works were selected out of 1200 works from 300 entries
Brand 32—Annual National Juried Art Exhibition
Brand Library & Art Center, Glendale Public Library, Glendale, California
Juror: Nancy Moure, Curator at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art
Magic Numbers—National Juried Exhibition Micro Museum, Brooklyn, New York
Currents 2011 Second Annual Intl. New Media Festival, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Will’s Creek Survey—Fifth Annual International Juried Art Exhibition
Allegany Arts Council’s Saville Gallery, Cumberland, Maryland
Juror: Elizabeth Thomas, Curator at the Carnegie Museum of Art
30th Bradley International Print and Drawing Exhibition
The Heuser Art Center Gallery and Hartmann Center, Bradley University, Illinois
Juror: Judy Collischan, former Associate Director at the Neuberger Museum of Art
Sixth International Juried Art Exhibition Woman Made Gallery, Chicago, Illinois
Juror: Lisa Phillips, Henry Luce III Director of the New Museum of Contemporary Art and the former Curator at the Whitney Museum of American Art
Silicon Sands—International Juried Digital Media Art Exhibition
Las Cruces Museum of Fine Art, Las Cruces, New Mexico
Juror: Paul Schranz, Editor of the Photo Techniques Magazine
Digital Long Island—Biennial National Juried Art Exhibition
Smithtown Township Arts Council, Mills Pond House Gallery, St. James, New York
Juror: Laurence Gartel, noted digital media art pioneer
National Juried Competition—Photography and Digital Images
Long Beach Island Foundation of the Arts and Sciences, Loveladies, New Jersey
Juror: Edward Earle, Curator at the International Center of Photography
19th Annual International Juried Art Exhibition Visual Arts Center of New Jersey
Juror: Christa Clarke, Curator at the Newark Museum
New Jersey Arts Annual: Revision and Respond
New Jersey State Council on the Arts and the Newark Museum of Art
Juror: Kristen J. Owens, Associate Curator for Rutgers University-Newark’s Paul Robeson Galleries at Express Newark, and Amy Simon Hopwood, Associate Curator at the Newark Museum of Art
Presente! Homenaje a la Mujer/Present! Homage to Women
Amnesty International USA and Avenue 50 Studio, Los Angeles, California
18th Annual Greater Midwest International Juried Exhibition
Central Missouri State University Art Center Gallery, Warrensburg, Missouri
Juror: Dr. Leesa Fanning, Curator at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art
30th Annual National Juried Open Show Roseville Arts Center, California
Juror: Scott Shields, Curator at the Crocker Art Museum
28th Annual National Juried Art on Paper Exhibition
Maryland Federation of Art, Annapolis, Maryland
Juror: Jennie Flemming, Curator at the Baltimore Museum of Art
Texas National—Juried Art Exhibition
Stephen F. Austin State University Art Gallery, Nacogdoches, Texas
Jurors: Jerry Uelsmann and Maggie Taylor, internationally acclaimed artists
19th Annual McNeese National Works on Paper Exhibition
McNeese State University, Lake Charles, Louisiana
Juror: Rudy Pozzatti, internationally distinguished printmaker
Faces of Woman—13th National Juried Art Exhibition
Las Vegas Arts Council, Las Vegas, New Mexico
Juror: Laura Addison, Curator at the Museum of Fine Arts in Santa Fe
It's Photography II National Juried Exhibition
Marin Museum of Contemporary Art, Novato, California
8th National Juried Small Works Exhibition Attleboro Arts Museum, Massachusetts
DPI “Digitially Propelled Ideas” National Art Competition
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California
Art of Architecture—National Juried Exhibition
Washington Gallery of Photography, Bethesda, Maryland
Between Heaven and Earth—National Exhibition The College of New Jersey
Juror: Eleanor Heartney, distinguished art critic and writer
20"x20"x20"—National Juried Exhibition Louisiana State University
Juror: Heather Pesanti, Curator at the Carnegie Museum of Art
Published in over 30 magazines and books
Peer-Reviewed Conference Paper: "From the Mothers' Movement to Cradlr: An Interaction Design for Refugee Children" (extended version) ➤
Proceedings of the 10th Congress of the International Association of Societies of Design Research (IASDR): Life Changing Design
IASDR & Design Research Society (DRS) [ISBN: 9781912294596. DOI: 10.21606/iasdr.2023.839]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Paper: "From the Mothers' Movement to Cradlr: An Interaction Design for Refugee Children" ➤
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Digital and Interactive Arts
Artech International Association & Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) [ISBN: 9781450384209. DOI: 10.1145/3483529.3483677]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Paper: "Through the Aleph: A Glimpse of the World in Real Time" ➤
Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA)
[ISBN: 9780620803328]
Book Chapter 7: "Bridges Among Visualization, Aesthetics, and Technology" ➤
Visual Approaches to Cognitive Education with Technology Integration
IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania [ISBN: 9781522553328. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5332-8.ch007]
Peer-Reviewed Conference Paper: "Living Mandala: The Cosmic of Being" ➤
Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA)
[ISSN: 24518611. ISBN: 9781910172001]
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapter 11: "Connecting the Dots: Art, Culture, Science, and Technology" ➤
Handbook of Research on Maximizing Cognitive Learning through Knowledge Visualization
IGI Global, Hershey, Pennsylvania [ISBN: 9781466681422. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-8142-2.ch011]
Design Projects
The Universal Sea—The Art and Innovation Guide Against the Plastic Epidemic
Foundation for Entrepreneurship and The Institute for Art and Innovation e.V., Berlin, Germany [ISBN: 9783981911411]
Artworks and interview ➤
LandEscape Art Review London, United Kingdom
International contemporary art competition and virtual publication
Journal Interior Art: Infinity ➤
The Journal of New Media and Culture (NMEDIAC) Summer 2009: Volume 6, Issue 1
The Public's Library and Digital Archive (
Magazine Interior Art: Purity ➤
Computer Graphics World July 2008 Issue
COP Communications, Inc., Glendale, California
Logo design ➤
100s Visual Logos & Letterhead by Matt Woolman
Angela Patchell Books, Richmond, United Kingdom [ISBN: 9781906245047]
Magazine Interior Art and Statement: Artless-Art
Photo Techniques January/February 2006 Issue
Photo Techniques Magazine, Niles, Illinois
Design works
American Corporate Identity 2008
Collins Design, HarperCollins Publishers, New York, New York
Artworks and statement
The History of Computer Graphics and Digital Art Project
ACM SIGGRAPH Education Committee
Calendar Interior Art: Sustainability
Green Patriot Posters 2014 Calendar
The Canary Project, New York, New York
Book Cover Art: Enlightenment
Essential Statistics by Dr. J. H. Wilson
Prentice Hall, Publisher of Academic and Reference Textbooks
Pearson Education, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey
Book Cover Art: Serenity
Love, Justice, and Education by Dr. W. H. Schubert
Information Age Publishing, Charlotte, North Carolina
Magazine Interior Art: Totality and Randomness
Cream City Review Issue 36.1 Spring 2012
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Magazine Cover Art: Infinity, Magazine Interior Art: Ch'an
Sojourn A Journal of the Arts, 20th Anniversary Issue, Volume 20
University of Texas at Dallas, School of Arts and Humanities
Magazine Interior Art: Internal
The William and Mary Review Volume 44
The William and Mary Review, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia
Magazine Interior Art: Equivalence and Heritage
Journal of Critical Inquiry Into Curriculum & Instruction Volume 5, Number 1
Caddo Gap Press, San Francisco, California
Greenpeace global warming poster/t-shirt
Michigan Parkinson Foundation logo
Youth Projects Incorporated, Australia poster
World AIDS Campaign, based in The Netherlands virtual AIDS posters
Monmouth University Library signage & wayfinding system
Will McIntosh • Science Fiction Writer web consultant
Jen Rutherford Photography web development
Georgia Southern University, Psychology Department website
ABC Chinese Restaurant NYC business card
West Lake Chinese Restaurant website & corporate identity
Ann Cherico • Jewelry Designer website & corporate identity
Design My Home To Sell, LLC website
Monmouth University, Department of Communication logos
Art Love Magic, LLC book illustrations
IKKO Japanese Hibachi Steakhouse & Sushi Bar website
Hip to Bamboo, LLC logo & web interface
The Program for Acceleration in Computer Science Careers (PAC) website
Monmouth University, Department of Social Work posters & report cover
Pearl of the Sea Restaurant website
Louis Santore • Painter website
Monmouth University, Department of Art and Design posters & website
Monmouth University, Art Gallery postcard
Creative Soup Zine website
Serge Demyanenko • Writer book cover
Pearson Prentice Hall Education Publisher book cover art
TopFlight 4 Aviation web homepage
Georgia Southern University, Accounting Department web banner
Georgia Southern University, Art Gallery brochure & postcards
The ArtReach Foundation brochure
OneSource Marketing logo
Crider Poultry Incorporated corporate identity
Georgia Southern University, Art Department art festival poster
Zach S. Henderson Library brochure
SanZhong Automobile Incorporated, China corporate identity
Taylor and Francis Group 2024 Book Proposal Reviewer
NYIT, Dept. of Digital Art & Design 2024 External Program Reviewer New York, New York
DRS (Design Research Society) 2024 Biennial Conference Reviewer Boston
Bloomsbury Publishing 2023 Book Proposal Reviewer London, UK
Poster for Tomorrow 2020 Design Competition Online Juror Paris, France
SIGGRAPH SpaceTime Poster Competition Juror 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2022
SIGGRAPH Asia 2015 Symposium on Education Tertiary Reviewer Kobe, Japan
Gates of the Arctic National Park 2014 Artists-in-Residence Juror Alaska
SIGGRAPH Asia 2013 Art Gallery Committee/Jury Hong Kong, China
Gates of the Arctic National Park 2013 Artists-in-Residence Juror Alaska
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Art Gallery Co-Chair Singapore
SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 Steering Committee Member
SIGGRAPH Asia 2009 Art Gallery Committee/Jury Yokohama, Japan
CAAFA Chinese-American Art Faculty Association » since 2014
ACM SIGGRAPH Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Graphics and Interactive Techniques » since 2006
CAA College Art Association » since 2003
AIGA American Institute of Graphic Arts » since 1999
Jing Zhou Studio Freelance 2004-Present
Gruen Associates Los Angeles, California, 2003-2004
Graphic Designer
• Design architectural graphics, proposals and reports
• Design corporate posters, ads, logos, brochures and stationeries
• Design presentation panels and PowerPoint presentations
• Design and maintain corporate website and project fact sheets
• Prepare and organize public relation materials
• Manage multiple projects at one time
• Work with other departments and business professionals
• Communicate and coordinate with custom printers
First Look Studios Los Angeles, California 2002-2003
Graphic Designer/Project Coordinator
• Design movie posters, flyers, magazine and newspaper ads
• Design logos, brochures, DVD & VHS boxes and labels
• Design and maintain web pages
• Manage multiple projects at one time
• Work with other departments and business professionals
• Communicate and coordinate with custom printers
MIV Emblem Incorporated California 2002 Spring
Production Manager/Production Artist
• Design emblems, ads, and basic page layout
• Create die-lines for print files
• Scan photographs, slides, and illustrations
• Handle multiple projects at one time
• Manage overall product delivery across internal and external teams
• Communicate and coordinate with domestic and oversea manufacturers
Bureau of Business Research and Economic Development Georgia 2001
Graphic and Web Designer
• Design web and print
• Communicate with clients
• Manage multiple projects
• Web maintenance and development
• Work with groups and business users
Georgia Southern Museum Georgia 1999-2001
Exhibition Designer/Gallery Preparer
• Design and install exhibitions
• Design brochures, panels, boards, and labels
Chongqing Huaxi Package Incorporated China 1995-1998
Junior Art Director/Senior Graphic Designer 1997-1998
• Design packages, posters, brochures, advertisements, corporate identities
• Communicate with clients
• Communicate and coordinate with other departments of the company
• Supervise four people in the Graphic Design Group
• Supervise printing process in both mechanical and manual operations
Professor of Art and Design {tenured full professor}
Monmouth University, West Long Branch, New Jersey
Courses: Web & Interactive Design, UI/UX, Graphic Design, Digital Illustration, Typography
MFA Georgia Southern University, USA
BFA Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (四川美术学院), China
Certificate in 3D Modeling & Animation
Digital Media Academy, Stanford University, California
周竞出生于中国重庆,祖籍宁波,毕业于四川美术学院,美国南乔治亚大学硕士。现任美国新泽西州蒙莫斯大学的美术设计系终身教授。她是一位跨媒体艺术家和设计师,其创作领域包括数码图形、互动装置、视屏动画、平面设计。她的作品曾多次在国际大赛和艺术节中获奖展出,并被多个美术博物馆收藏,例如意大利米兰三年展设计博物馆、纽约亚洲文化中心、英国伦敦电脑学会、法国图卢兹当代艺术博物馆、SIGGRAPH艺术展厅、ISEA (国际电子艺术研讨会)、IEEE艺术展厅、CAA (美国高校艺术协会)、比利时蒙斯纪念博物馆、澳大利亚皇家学会、希腊雅典影像电子艺术节、纽约科学馆、丹麦海报博物馆、意大利贝尔加莫现代和当代艺术博物馆、伊斯坦布尔塔克西姆共和国艺术画廊、巴西圣保罗国际电子语言艺术节、南韩视觉信息设计协会、埃及亚历山大歌德学院、匈牙利电子图形艺术协会、美国斯坦福大学、美国耶鲁大学、巴黎PX3摄影大赛、波兰弗罗茨瓦夫新媒体艺术中心收藏、新西兰怀卡托美术文化博物館收藏、捷克摩拉维亚艺术博物馆收藏、圣地亚哥艺术学院的当代艺术家博物馆收藏、旧金山中国文化中心收藏。不少书籍和杂志出版了她的作品,例如Photo Techniques、NMEDIAC、Computer Graphics World。周女士荣获2020年Design Incubation国际传媒设计教育家最佳创作奖,及MarCom国际大奖赛白金奖得主、美国设计大奖赛金奖得主、Summit国际创意大奖赛银奖得主、日内瓦国际大学妇女联合会海报大赛有奖得主、并曾为绿色和平组织创作设计。